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Warsaw Uprising- before and after. making of.

“Warsaw Uprising” film at ORKA studio! The first stage of work was stabilization, i.e. finding reference points for each shot and eliminating image shaking in the frame. The next step was to restore the material, as part of which Studio ORKA carried out an initial color correction in black and white material, stabilization and removal of image pulsation and imperfections of film strip exposure. Work at this stage also included manual image distortion repair, removal of debris and belt damage, and grain inspection. The next step was coloring. It was a great challenge to properly “color” the film. Before the work began, a reference database was prepared, consisting of several thousand photos of weapons and weapons, uniforms, equipment, civilian clothes, city infrastructure, information boards, several hundred photos of various types of cobblestones, paving slabs, etc. historians of the Warsaw Uprising Museum, urban planning and architecture consultants, Varsovians as well as arms and armaments consultants cooperating with the Warsaw Uprising Museum. The film was colored using unique software. Due to the fact that the film materials used in the “Warsaw Uprising” were heavily exploited or damaged, probably by developing in difficult conditions and poor storage system, in many cases it was difficult to choose the right color. After pre-coloring, each shot required a detailed description and many hours of work of historical consultants. After the standard color-correction was performed, the producers invited a well-known cinematographer, Piotr Sobociński Jr., who as the color grading supervisor was responsible for “authenticating” and standardizing the colors applied in post-production. ORKA received PISF (Polish Film Institute) award for digital restoration and colorization of “Warsaw Uprising”